The tools you need to go deeper in your faith and knowledge are here. 

The tools you need to go deeper in your faith and knowledge are here. 

You're just a few seconds away from the lessons, tools, & community of accountability that you need to go deeper in your understanding of theology and the Bible, so that you can love the Lord more deeply & share about Him more confidently.  Every follower of Jesus is called to be a theologian, and just because you don't have time to go to seminary right now, doesn't mean you can't go deeper starting today...


Grab a good pen, warm drink, and a spot on our cozy virtual couch

Understanding theology and the ins and outs of the Bible can feel like an intimidating task to take on.  After all, people go to seminary for 4+ years in order to do that, right? 

Well, yes, while we wholeheartedly believe seminary is an invaluable experience for some (hence why Nathaniel went that route with his MDiv!), we also believe that every follower of Jesus can go deeper in their knowledge of theology and their study skills of the Bible without needing a formal seminary education. And that's exactly why we created The Theologian Haus.

for you to go deeper and grow without having to go to seminary


You're ready and excited to go deeper, but just don't necessarily know where to start.

Sure there's fear of what others might think, but one of the biggest obstacles to effectively sharing your faith is the fear that you won't know what to say if someone asks a tough question.

You've tried Bible study and plan after Bible study and plan, but you always seem to fizzle out of consistency. You're ready to stick with it, do it alongside others who are desiring to grow, and most importantly, study the Word as God intended it to be read and interpreted.

"The videos, outlines, and other resources are so favorite subscription by far!"

-Jade H, Theologian Haus Member


A community membership packed with a growing library of digital theology trainings, exegetical Bible reading plans and study materials, daily accountability community to grow alongside, and an abundance of support as you deepen your knowledge and faith!

Wondering about what all you'll get?

What's included in your Theologian Haus membership:


Growing digital library of theological trainings & guided notes to go with them


Exegetical Bible reading plans & studies 


Daily accountability to getting in the Word & a community to grow alongside


Printable tracking, note-taking, and study sheets 


Monthly Theology Couch Chats discussing a theological hot topic



no. 01

Sign up for the plan that works best for you.

Choose between a monthly membership or get two months free when you sign up for an annual membership.

no. 02

Join the community of everyday theologians.

Become a member of a community of like-minded Believers growing in faith and knowledge.

no. 03

Get immediate access to the online portal of trainings,  resources & community.

Go at your own pace and have every resource at your fingertips – even contained within a phone app!

Study at your own pace

learn based on your theological interests

be in community with like-minded believers

grow closer to the heart of god

This program includes everything you need to do that thing

the theologian haus

This membership isn't just another Bible reading plan app.  It's a library full of theological trainings because we truly believe every follower of Jesus is called to be a theologian.  You don't have time to go to seminary right now, but you can still grow in your knowledge and faith, and we're here to do it alongside you!

is A place

for you

to grow 

Training topics covered & coming in the Theologian Haus

Introduction to Theology: What it is, why we should study it, types of theology, and different tiers of issues

The Word of God / Bibliology – inerrancy and authority of Scripture, Bible translations, Bible genres, and more

Studying your Bible theologically / Hermeneutics - accurately interpreting the Bible 

Evangelism - how, why, and to whom to share your faith effectively in order to fulfill the Great Commission

Soteriology – various views on salvation and  their implications on other areas of faith

Spiritual Disciplines – prayer, Bible reading, fasting, meditation, evangelism 

Join Now →

This      for you if:


you're ready to go deeper in your faith and knowledge

you don't have time to go to seminary right now

you're ready to be consistent with reading the bible daily & understanding it

It's probably        for you if...


you have a seminary degree/in-person community walking alongside you in scripture daily

you don't want to set aside the time to grow each day

you live on a secluded island with no access to internet. but you're reading this right now, so that's not the case. 

come on in. grab a spot on our cozy virtual couch.



Can I sign up any time or will doors be closing?

You can sign up at any time! We won't be closing enrollment!

Can I cancel?

Yes, you can cancel without any hassle at any time, for any reason! It will only take you a few seconds. We're not in the business of hoarding your $9 payments against your will, though we do hope you'll stick around and grow with us :) 

What do I need to complete the Bible Reading Plans?

Simply a Bible and a pen/something to write on is enough! We'll be providing printable resources that will accompany each plan, so if you have access to a printer, you could print those, but they're not essential!

I've never done exegetical study before. Is it going to be over my head?

Nope, not at all! We're not going to expect you to have had any previous knowledge or experience with Bible study. We're going to be breaking down passages as if we're all reading them for the first time (that's the beauty of a living and active book – sometimes it can feel like we are)! And if you ever need additional resources, the community and us (Nathaniel and Xan) are personally here to help you out!

Are you part of  a certain denomination?

We have been a part of a wide range of denominations over the years – Lutheran, Southern Baptist, Charismatic, Nondenom, Evangelical Free, so we have personal experience and knowledge from a wide range of theological practices. We won't be teaching any one "right way" of understanding theology, but instead will be presenting the range of interpretations and how those interpretations extracted.  We will likely share our personal interpretations and beliefs because that's what pals in community do, but not in an authoritative "BELIEVE THIS" way.