
Friendly Reminder: Nobody’s Doing It All

Reminder: Nobody's Doing It All
Sibleys here.

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☐ Clean the house
☐ Spend time in Scripture every day
☐ Keep the kids off screens
☐ Build and grow the business
☐ Make three, homemade, organic meals 
☐ Spend quality time with husband
☐ Spend 1:1 time with each kid
☐ Stay on top of appointments
☐ Exercise regularly
☐ Stay on top of laundry
☐ Read books for fun
☐ Shower
☐ Work on a hobby

Does that aspiring to-do list sound familiar?

This is just your friendly reminder that absolutely no one is doing it all every day (or if you are, or know of someone who is, please lmk and I will humbly listen to all your/their wisdom). 

The number of hours it would take to check all of those boxes every day is just not the number of waking hours we have available to us. 

Balls are going to drop, and we just have to make sure they’re not the most precious balls. Choose which ones are made of glass (aka your absolute top priorities–spiritually, mentally, relationally, physically) and choose to be at peace with the fact that the rest are plastic. They’ll be okay if they drop and you have to pick them back up later. They’ll be okay if they bounce up and down a few times as you get into rhythms and adjust.

We’re all in this together. And we need our people– our real, in-person, community that comes alongside us in the trenches of the everyday.

Find those people.

Cling to them.

Serve them and love them well.

Keep doing the messy, holy work of the mundane and relying on the Lord through it all. 

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Welcome to our cozy virtual couch on the internet. Our biggest prayer is that you'd feel welcomed into an honest space to be real, and ultimately, to grow to be a more faithful follower of Jesus.

We truly believe the Gospel transforms every area of our lives – our relationships, work, parenting, school, and everything in between – and our heart is to have conversations and make resources that equip you and support you in that transformation. 

Grab a cozy drink, pick your favorite spot on the couch, and stay a while. 


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