What if a one degree shift in your actions today could actually change your life?
We define success as faithfulness. Faithfulness to the Lord, and to every role he’s called us to serve in – our families, relationships, jobs, school, communities, and anywhere else our feet are. Faithfulness for the long-run starts with a one degree shift today.
Welcome to the first every episode of The One Degree Podcast. Our goal for this episode is to share a little insight into why it’s named One Degree. We’ll also cast some vision for the content and community this podcast show will bring.
We’re the Sibleys – Nathaniel (Nate, Nathan, Nate Dawg, Sibley, etc) and Xan. We’re your hosts, and we also happen to be husband and wife.
At the time of this episode recording, we have a two year old and a one year old. And we’re actually in the process of moving from North Carolina where Nathaniel’s been in seminary for his MDiv, to move back to his hometown in Southeast Wisconsin where we’re going to be living a lot more of a country life. But I’m sure that’s something we’ll get into in future episodes. For now, let’s dive in to why the podcast is called “The One Degree Podcast”. Spoiler alert: because it has nothing to do with temperature.
The Why Behind “One Degree”
Zig Zigler famously said, “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.”
If you’ve ever worked for a big corporation, or even if you haven’t, you’re probably familiar with how they have mission statements, key result areas, and long-term and short-term goals. However, too often with the busyness and distractions around us, our personal lives can unintentionally begin to embody this idea of aiming at nothing.
Who do we want to be one, five, ten, fifty years from now?
While we don’t often think about our habits and practices, a small change––a one degree shift––in our habits and practices, can allow us to see massive changes in who we are years from now.
We are both passionate about many things. To name a few: business, exercise, healthy eating, living less hurried, parenting intentionally, natural living, theology. But at the root of each passion is this desire to be a more faithful follower of Jesus and to thrive in every area of our health.
There’s really one common thread through every episode of this podcast. Regardless of the topic, the goal will be making intentional decisions and actions to be more faithful, healthier overall, and to do something we talk about a whole lot around the Sibley house – play the long game.
What We Hope This Podcast is For You
Our hope is that each week’s episode feels like you’re grabbing a seat on our comfy couch to join our living room conversation. And our prayer is that each episode compels you to make a one degree shift today to compound that faithfulness in the future.
We’re so grateful you’re here, having this conversation with us. Be sure to subscribe or follow. If you love an episode, we’d be so grateful if you’d share it with your friends and tag us on insta @theonedegreepodcast.
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Follow us over on the Gram @theonedegreepodcast . Feel free to send us a DM! We love to hear from you 🙂
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