You don’t need to be a seminarian to be a Biblical scholar. We are all called to be theologians and disciples. Every follower of Jesus has access to resources to study the Bible. You’ll find countless lists of Bible study materials, but each is different based on preferences and various individual needs. This post is a roundup of some of our favorites, especially for getting started with going deeper in your Bible study.
- Podcast Episode: How to get started or go deeper reading your Bible
- 5 Christian podcasts to encourage you in your walk with Jesus
10 Resources
1. ESV Journaling Bible
A journaling Bible has been one of my favorite tools to use for Bible study. I love that I have the space to take notes directly in my Bible to refer back to later. I’ve especially loved using a separate journaling Bible as I read through the Bible in a year with the Bible Recap plan (see below).
2. Study Bible
An ESV (NIV, CSB, or NASB are also versions I’d recommend) study Bible is one of the first tools I’d recommend adding to your collection to go deeper in study. The bottom half of each page has extensive study notes, and there are many maps, timelines, and book overviews throughout as well.
3. Women of the Word
This book by Jen Wilkin is one of my favorites. I read it for a women’s internship at my church a few years ago and have read it and recommended it multiple times since because it’s full of wisdom. The focus is on how to study Scripture with both our hearts and our minds. What I love about Jen is she offers a refreshing, logical and scholarly approach to study, rather than the emotional approach that is often perpetuated in Christian women’s circles.
4. The Bible Recap (Podcast & Book)
If you ever find yourself asking, “What did I just read?” when you’ve set out to read the Bible in a year, you’re going to love this resource. Tara Leigh Cobble has a short daily podcast (and a book form) that goes along with reading the Bible chronologically. It highlights each day’s reading in a simple, easy-to-understand way.
5. Guide to Getting Started Reading Your Bible
This is one of our own resources that we think will be super valuable for you! This guide is full of practical tools and resources to help you fall in love with the Word of God. It answers questions you may have about the authoritativeness of Scripture, whether the Word is inerrant, and why the Bible is worth believing; has tips on what translations to read, which books to start with, and how long to read each day. It also includes some of our favorite methods and systems for studying Scripture!
You can download it for FREE here!
6. Got Questions
This is one of our go-to resources as a starting block for all kinds of theological answers. If you have a question about God, Jesus, the Bible, or theology, probably has the answer. As this is being written, there are over 700,000 Answers to questions on their site.
7. Christ-Centered Exposition Commentaries
These commentaries are amazing. They’re a devotional-style series focused on the Bible as a Christ-centered book. They’re presented as sermons and divided into chapters, so these are great for your personal Bible study, or even for a small group context!
What we love is that they’re not written in an academic style, so they’re accessible and simple to understand!
8. The Bible Project
The Bible Project has been a favorite resource of ours for years. Their videos on YouTube are so helpful for audio-visual learners to take in the bigger picture of the Bible stories in a new way. Their organization has grown over the years and they now even have classes and podcasts, that are all packed with such valuable content to grow your depth of understanding of Scripture.
9. Book Studies
Daily Grace Co. studies are an excellent resource for both women and men. Their book book studies and topical studies are all very gospel-centered and the structure is helpful if you’re struggling with staying focused or consistent in your Bible reading.
10. Blue Letter Bible
This is an online resource that is a hub of commentaries to help you understand the Bible better.
Are there any resources you’d add to the list? If so, add them in the comments and share with us on Instagram!

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