Welcome back to the One Degree Podcast!
This episode is the first in a four-part series on ways to be intentional in different walks of life. We’re going to be discussing 7 ways to be intentional as a college student. Let’s dive in!
1. Develop a schedule and time management skills
Be intentional about your time! We should view the college years as adult training rather than extending adolescence. It’s not just about having as much fun as you can before getting out into the real world. Especially as believers, this season is to equip you to be faithful adults and stewards of your lives. A big part of being an adult is having a schedule and time management skills.
Use a calendar app, get familiar with time blocking, learn how to work ahead and not procrastinate, develop SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Oriented) goals, etc… You’re likely going to have more free time during this season than any other period in your life, so use this time well!
View college as an opportunity to train to be an adult!
2. Read more books & spend less time on your phone
Reading books is a lost art and is a good discipline to implement. In a world of technology, it takes real discipline to sit and read long-form content.
Set screen time limits and have people hold you accountable! Put rules for yourself in place when you can’t use your phone (before and after class, when you go to the bathroom, when you eat lunch in the cafeteria, before bed, etc…). This practice will help you develop healthy habits that will carry on to the rest of your life.
3. Get rock solid in your Bible study habit
This season likely has the most time/responsibility freedom you’ll ever have. Even if you’re working while going to school, generally speaking, you’re only responsible for yourself. Now is the time to get solid in your Bible study routine.
The habits that you create in college will be the habits that you carry into adulthood.
We have plenty of resources on how to be consistent in your Bible study. We have a podcast episode, social media posts, and the Theologian Haus which has tons of bible studies and training on how to study the bible.
Don’t let “I have to study/do homework” be your excuse not to prioritize getting into the Word – in adulthood you will always have something that needs to get done that could take precedence over the Word if you let it.
4. Actively participate in a local church at school
Parachurch and campus ministries are great, but we really recommend using your time in college to plug into a local church.
The local church is God’s design for community, and building habits of serving it while you’re in college and again, only responsible for yourself, is one of the best things you can do. Get involved in the youth group, the nursery, in discipleship, and in serving in any capacity.
Find people that are older than you and prioritize intergenerational relationships. We could do a whole episode on this, but it is so easy for college students to get stuck in a bubble and only hang out with other college students at their church. Be willing to be the one to initiate this!
Join the church that is really solid- not the most popular, most hype, or the best worship. Join the church that is faithfully preaching and teaching the Word of God and living it out.
5. Pursue discipleship relationships- both discipling and being discipled
Ideally, you should pursue these relationships in said local church. It is so important to be both discipling and disciples!
Start with asking someone older/further along in their spiritual walk to mentor/disciple you. Oftentimes, they’re willing if you ask! If you don’t know of anyone, ask your pastor to connect you with someone.
Find someone younger to invest in and intentionally disciple them. Maybe it’s a younger college student, a roommate, etc… Maybe it’s someone in the youth group of your local church. Check out our two episodes on discipleship for more!
6. Seek out life-giving friendships
Find friends who will come alongside you in your walk with the Lord. Be okay with initiating!
Find accountability friendships (we also have a whole episode on that).
Go deep with each other. These are formative years – have deep discussions and grow alongside each other.
7. Have fun!
Make the memories, go on the trips, and have fun!
Use these opportunities intentionally and serve the Lord at the same time. Serving your church over the summer, going on mission trips, etc… can be fun! Don’t feel the pressure to spend your summers doing internships. You will never have this time again, so utilize it well!

One Degree Shift
Xan: Go buy a book and read it!
Nathaniel: Start viewing college as training to be an adult rather than extending your adolescence. Start that mindset shift. Or to be super practical, set times that you will not be on your phone.
Want to Stay a Little Longer?
- Listen to these other episodes on how to read your Bible, the importance of what you consume, and “online” church.
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