Pregnancy, Birth, Postpartum

5 Tips for New Moms

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We’re back this week with part two in our mini-series for new parents- this one is for the moms!

In last week’s episode, we gave five tips for new dads, so go back and check that one out if you haven’t yet. Nathaniel’s were a little more parenting-centered, but Xan is gonna talk more about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. It’s a different spin than the episode for dads, but this is what came to my mind more naturally! Let’s get into it…

1. Be prepared for birth

Whatever kind of birth you want, be confident in it. You should think about it in some way beforehand.

Have your husband get on the same page and be an advocate for you. You are a team! He isn’t doing anything to give birth, but he can definitely do everything he can to support you.

Be confident and informed about what you want, but hold it loosely. 

Saturate your birth in prayer. Birth can be a very spiritual, close-to-the-Lord feeling. I (Xan) have always felt so close to the Lord and dependent on him during birth.

It wouldn’t be an episode on new motherhood if I didn’t say something about birth because I’m so passionate about it and think it can be such a beautiful, spiritual experience with the Lord.

2. Be prepared for postpartum

You have no clue what to expect and other people can’t even prepare you entirely. Do everything you can to set yourself up well. Nourishment and eating aren’t always natural and easy to remember after new moms have had a baby, so do what you can and what works best for you!

Eat, hydrate, and remember to take care of your basic needs. Have food prepped, and snacks stashed. Have your house as clean as possible beforehand. Take showers.

Also, let people know how they can best serve you! Accept their help!

3. Lean into how your body feels, not what’s expected of you

What feels right for you spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically- not what society or others say. Listen to your own body and emotions.

If you feel good, go somewhere. If you want to sleep for 3 weeks, do that!

Your body will let you know what you need – listen to it. And don’t compare anything to other people. Comparison robs you of joy and makes it difficult to appreciate and enjoy the season you’re in.

4. Don’t be afraid to set boundaries

Bonus tip for the husband too: enforce the boundaries that your wife sets!

New moms, if it doesn’t feel right to have people come visit, say that. If you don’t want a meal train and you want gift cards, say that.

You may not know what you want beforehand, but once you do- say it.

As a friend and family member, I want to genuinely serve people how they want to be served and others feel the same. So, if people genuinely want to serve you, they are going to listen to you.

5. Stay off Google

I (Xan) remember googling EVERYTHING. But for the most part, if everything is checking out and your baby is healthy, don’t fall down that rabbit hole. Of course if, in your gut, something feels off, don’t ignore the red flags- Google or better yet, call a doctor/trusted source.

But for every little hiccup and red mark on your baby, just put down the Google fingers. It can cause a lot of unnecessary anxiety. And you don’t need that in your life postpartum.

The best advice I was given was to ask veteran moms around you for advice and help first.

One Degree Shift

All of these are pretty applicable/practical. I would say to think about what you want your birth to look like and make some resolutions.

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