Faith Questions

Approaching (LGB)TQ+ as Christians

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We’re not experts on this subject, but today we’re talking about the “LGB” part of LGBT+ relationships. We have a running list of questions that we get when we ask you guys what you want to hear us talk about. A lot of times we get specific questions surrounding this subject, such as “Would you attend or perform a gay wedding?” “How should you respond when a family member comes out?” We want to be careful because these are real situations that have a lot of context and emotions surrounding them. We want to discuss this subject faithfully and be true to Scripture.

To start, we’re going to give you a bird’s eye view of where we’re going, so don’t stop reading yet! Regardless of where you stand, please listen to/read the entire episode and evaluate it as a whole!

Here are our four points:

  1. At the heart of Christianity is the gospel: God loves you and has sent his son to rescue you from your sin and restore a relationship with you.
  2. If you believe in the God of the Bible, the Bible makes clear that engaging in same-sex relationships is sin, BUT Christians should not hold non-Christians to a biblical standard.
  3. Christians have often viewed same-sex behaviors and relationships as worse sins. This should not be the case.
  4. Christ calls his followers to die to themselves. 

1. At the heart of Christianity is the gospel: God loves you and has sent his son to rescue you from your sin and restore a relationship with you.

The more we dwell on the cross, the more we should recognize how unworthy we are of the God that we have 

It still amazes me that the God that created this world and universe, that formed us, loves us enough that even though we rejected him, spurned him, and spit in his face. He sent his son to die for us. 

Romans 5: 18-21 says that we rejected God and are sinful but Jesus’s death and resurrection make us righteous before God.

Ephesians 2:1-10 – “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved.” We were children of wrath, but God loves us and has saved us!

2.  If you believe in the God of the Bible, the Bible makes clear that engaging in same-sex relationships is sin, BUT Christians should not hold non-Christians to a biblical standard.

Where do we get the idea that engaging in same-sex relationships is sinful?

Both Romans 1:26-27 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 tell us this.

Many will say that the Bible only prohibits unloving, manipulative relationships! But, the Greek words “malakos” and “aresenekoites” are both used. (These refer to both the active and the passive partner in homosexual acts). The Bible isn’t talking about an unhealthy relationship- it’s talking about the act itself.

The Bible makes clear that this is sinful behavior in the eyes of God. The question becomes, is the Bible actually the word of God, and is that God worth worshipping? 

Same-sex attractions are not sinful in and of themselves. Jesus faced temptations in the wilderness! It’s when we act on temptations, engage in fantasies, etc. that they become sinful.

With all of that being said, Christians should not hold non-Christians to a Christian standard. We do not live in a theocracy. We should not force people to live like us. We must remember that the message of the gospel is not what changes people, behavior modification is no good. 

1 Corinthians 5:12 tells us that we should actually hold Christians to a higher standard and focus on the purity of the church, not the purity of the culture. 

We do not seek to legislate away the behaviors of people who do not believe in the gospel. That is tyranny and certainly not freedom of conscience. My responsibility is to share the gospel with people and share why the God we serve is worthy of us giving up our lives, our desires, our money, our time, all of us in order to worship and serve him.  

But what about the Christian who doesn’t view it as sin?

I (Nathaniel) would ask a lot of questions. Build a relationship with them and ask why they have the viewpoint that they do. 

Is it because they couldn’t possibly worship a God who views it as sin? Is it because they don’t think the bible says anything about it? Is it because they have explanations for why the Bible says it’s sinful? 

Point them to scripture, point them to the cross. The Bible is clear. The question then becomes is the God of the Bible worth devoting our lives to? I believe the answer is yes. 

The Bible transcends culture. The call to bear our cross is not just for those with same-sex attraction. It is for all to sacrifice their own sinful, selfish desires and to turn to the cross.

3. Christians have often viewed same-sex behaviors and relationships as worse sins. This should not be the case.

I (Xan) know people who can’t bear the thought of their kid being gay, but they have no problem with their kid living with their boyfriend or girlfriend before marriage (which is also clearly a sin). I have heard stories of people kicking out their gay children, but having no problems if their kid sleeps around, gets drunk, or engages in tons of other sinful behavior. The difference in responses is not okay!

To put this issue on a pedestal above all others is wrong. The reason you should be grieved by another’s sin is not the behavior itself. It’s because it reveals that they do not know the love of Christ!

Christopher Yuan states that Holy Sexuality is defined as “chastity in singleness, fidelity in marriage.” This should be the goal for all Christians.

 4. Christ calls his followers to die to themselves.

Ultimately, believing the gospel is what changes people. Christians need to boldly and accurately share the gospel and demonstrate a transformed life/death to themselves.

Matthew 16:24-26 – “Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life[g] will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?”

No matter your sexual orientation, your skin color, your career choice, the amount of wealth you have, or anything else. Jesus tells his followers to die to themselves and to follow him. He bids us to give up our lives. This is a radical call, so as we have stated all throughout this episode, we have to decide whether or not to heed that call. The gospel calls us to come and die. We need to decide if we will allow the gospel to radically change our entire lives.

In Luke 14:28, Jesus says to count the cost before following him. We have gotten too far away from that as Christians. We try to make Jesus as palatable as possible to secular culture. Jesus calls us to live a life radically different than the culture and to count the cost before doing so. 

One Degree Shift

This is a heavy episode to process. Pray, seek the Lord, and dwell on the fact that He loves you enough to send His Son to die for you. What other God would fathom doing that? But that love deserves a response, and it deserves our obedience.

Practically, pursue people that live differently from you. Rosaria Butterfield. Jackie Hill Perry. These were both women actively engaged in homosexual relationships until someone took the time to get to know them, share the gospel with them, and pursue them. 

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